Friday, August 10, 2007

Ding Dang a Dong

In Europe, tastes in music, well,
They’re really Poles apart,
The Cypriots and Greeks all vote on cue.
The migrant workers sway it,
It’s not voting from the heart,
But I’ll reserve my twelve points just for you.

The Swedes and the Norwegians
Seem to have a kind of pact,
The way the French and Belgians often do.
The Baltic States transfer of votes
Has often been attacked,
But I’ll reserve my twelve points just for you.

Forget the wretched Russians and
The whole damned Eastern bloc.
Are these voting patterns really true?
Its time the organisers took a step back
And took stock,
But I’ll reserve my twelve points just for you.

Oh curse the cunning Croats and
The tight Teutonic Turks,
The Portuguese and Spanish do it too.
But till they get a system
That indubitably works,
I’ll still reserve my twelve points just for you.

For what’s another year, my dear?
Congratulations love,
This nineteenth year is not our Waterloo.
Love can make you happy,
I still see a star above,
So I’ll reserve my twelve points just for you.

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